Time for a change Give your home a metamorphosis

Time for a change! Give your home a metamorphosis

Hours go by when you look at all the houses on Funda again. Currently very recognizable for many people. Unfortunately without success because in the current housing market it is almost impossible to make a good purchase on a new home. That’s why we have another plan for you, fall in love with your current home again by making some changes!

We’ll give you some ideas in advance.

Enlist interior design consultant

Surely the most successful changes take place when you hire a professional. He or she can quickly see a lot of potential in your home that you yourself are looking through. By talking to an interior design consultant, and having him/her make a proposal, a lot of things can change in your interior that you wouldn’t have thought of yourself.

A refreshing, new and cozy interior makes your home cozy and your own again!

New colors

Something you might dare to do yourself, a new lick of paint on the walls. When the “new” is a bit off, it can make a big difference when all the walls look fresh again. With a new color or new coat of paint, your home can already be transformed into a new palace.

A garden room

Would you like to add some more living space to your home? Or is this what you’re actually looking for in the new home? A garden room might just be the solution. A (luxury) garden room really gives a lot of new possibilities to your home! Garden rooms are more or less an extension of your home. They consist mainly of glass walls, giving you a real outdoor feeling but without a breath of wind or cold. In a garden room you can enjoy the sun during all four seasons. See all the possibilities on Metalura.co.uk if you are interested.


Time for a change! Give your home a metamorphosis .